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Natural Bos d 5 牛奶過敏原Bos d5

產品分類 > 食物過敏原 > Natural Bos d 5 牛奶過敏原Bos d5

Natural Bos d 5 牛奶過敏原Bos d5

促銷: 8720.00
價格: 8720.00
Allergen:nBos d 5 (β-Lactoglobulin)


Source:Partially purified Bovine milk 

Mol. Wt:18 kD


Column chromatography. Purity on silver stained SDS-PAGE >95%.


See product insert.  Based on OD 280 nm. Extinction coefficient = 0.94


Preservative and carrier-free in endotoxin free phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4. Filtered through 0.22μm filter.

Storage:Store at -20oC

Notes:β -Lactoglobulin runs at 18 kD with dimer at 36 kD on non-reducing SDS-PAGE.

Product Resources:

Natural Bos d 5 Certificate of Analysis

Allergens are provided for research and commercial use in vitro:  not for human in vivo or therapeutic use.


  1. Alexander LJ, Hayes G, Pearse MJ, Beattie CW, Stewart AF, et al.  Complete sequence of the bovine beta-lactoglobulin cDNA.  Nucleic Acids Res 1989;17(16):6739.

  2. Roth-Walter F, Pacios LF, Gomez-Casado C, Hofstetter G, Roth GA, et al. The major cow milk allergen Bos d 5 manipulates T-helper cells depending on its load with siderophore-bound iron. PLoS One. 2014; 9(8): e104803.

  3. Luyt D, Ball H, Makwana N, Green MR, Bravin K, et al. BSACI Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Cow's Milk Allergy. Clinical and Experimental Allergy: Journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2014.

  4. Fiocchi A, Bouygue GR, Albarini M, Restani P.  Molecular diagnosis of cow’s milk allergy.  Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Jun;11(3):216-21.

  5. Kuwata K, Hoshino M, Forge V, Era S, Batt CA, Goto Y. Solution structure and dynamics of bovine beta-lactoglobulin A. Protein Sci. 1999 Nov;8(11):2541-5.